Jul 20 2007

How to get zork I, zork II, and zork III running in linux

Well your first step is to download the files.
Infocom – Zork Downloads you’ll then need to download zork1.zip, zork2.zip or zork3.zip from that page.  – Just click the titles to download. – Continue reading “How to get zork I, zork II, and zork III running in linux”

Jul 11 2007

How long would it take to watch everything star trek?

Category: Makes you think ...,Weirderm @ 6:17 pm

How long would it take to watch everything Star Trek?
All times are approximate values. I’m not going to figure out down to the minute, I’ll round up/down according to the hour.

Original: 80 hrs
Animated: 11 hrs
TNG: 176 hrs
DS9: 173 hrs
Voyager: 167 hrs
Enterprise: 98 hrs
Star Trek Movies: 12 hrs
TNG Movies: 8 hrs
total:725 hrs

Jul 08 2007


Category: Makes you think ...,Weirderm @ 10:27 pm

It’s really odd that the government has a lot of 911 stuff under disallow: for their robots.txt file hmm…

Makes you think.

Dec 15 2006

Maintenance – IE7 Why you shouldn’t install it. – Part 2

Category: Insanity,Life Stories,Weirderm @ 9:51 am

blog.the-erm.com » Blog Archive » IE7 Why you shouldn’t install it.

After working on their computer last night I discovered …
Continue reading “Maintenance – IE7 Why you shouldn’t install it. – Part 2”

Oct 03 2006

Haters beware

Category: Funny,Weirderm @ 4:41 am

Oct 01 2006

A comedic rant about lies in commercials

Category: Funny,Insanity,Life Stories,Makes you think ...,Weirderm @ 4:17 am

Mar 11 2006


Category: Insanity,Weirderm @ 3:14 am

Ass cast episode 33 is up.

The opinions expressed on ass cast do not necessarily represent erm, the-erm.com, or your mamma.

Feb 23 2006

Eeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!! – Yahoo! News

Category: Weirderm @ 9:25 am

Eeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!! – Yahoo! News

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