Mar 09 2006

The lists people make.

Category: Insanityerm @ 12:12 am

People like to make lists.

  • I’ll be happy when.
  • To do.
  • My relationship fails because.
  • I should pay this bill
  • This list.
  • See I just did it myself. It’s hard not to make a list. Cosmo is always making stupid lists. Psychologists make lists of what is normal, and what’s insane. Everything has a place. This is normal, this is not. This is a good relationship, this is not.

    Why do we do it? Why do we make these lists of things that never really help us in the end? Today … they may. In the end however your nice little lists of how life should go, what love is, and the old happily ever after is gone.

    There is no “happily ever after.” You are here now, your future is uncertain, and the past is gone.

    Your “now” could be destroyed in a second with 1 carless action. Or even worse the careless actions of someone else.

    People die. See …. someone just did. You didn’t know them, I didn’t know them but it happened. Someone just killed a bug. So why is it you cry when people die? Why is it that you are sad when they are gone? You know it’s going to happen. It happens to everyone eventually. We all die, people we know die, people we don’t know die, bugs get spattered on a windshield. It’s part of life.

    We always seem to regret when people die. I should have … alas you can’t.

    So what’s up with the lists?

    They are, just like you are. And they will continue to be.

    Why is it that no matter how much you get you’re never happy?

    Why is it that people who live in nice houses, drive nice cars want more?

    Do you think millionaires would give away millions to charities if it wasn’t a tax write off? Why do they give them to organizations instead of going to the local slum, and handing the money to some homeless guy? Or go to a hospital and throw it in the lap of some guy in icu? Nope they hand it off to some charity, they then take their cut, and then they decide who gets it.

    Have fun making your lists. Eventually you’ll discover you’re not me, and I’m not you. My lists are different than yours. Your lists are stupid, mine are smart 🙂 Most the time your lists, and my lists will probably have the same thing on them.

    I believe this because of XYZ. You believe this because of ABC. I think it’s the alphabet, and you need to look at the whole picture. Of course if you get a bulldozer, run over the alphabet it doesn’t really matter what you each believe because it’s all destroyed now. So don’t have too much fun de-constructing other peoples beliefs because you may just destroy your own.

    Why is it people make lists?

    Here’s a fun list we all have. It’s the you did this to me list…

    Then the I’m going to do this to you …

    Some of the most perplexing lists I’ve discovered are the ones on relationships, and what love is.

    Love is a user defined variable. You can’t nail it down. Many people point to I Corinthians 13. That’s a wonderful example of what some people think love is.

    Many people say that love is not an emotion it’s a decision. Love seems to be a chemical reaction inside your brain that you have towards a person. So they really aren’t making you feel that way, you are. Your brain.

    It’s all stupid stuff.

    One Response to “The lists people make.”

    1. erm says:

      The point of this is nothing.

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