Sep 29 2005

Senators turning up heat on P2P pirates – Yahoo! News

Category: RIAAerm @ 9:16 am

Looks like the RIAA is winning.

Senators turning up heat on P2P pirates – Yahoo! News

eDonkey throws in the towel

Oh well so much for a free world. Welcome to the rest of your life being owned by a big cooperation.

Welcome to the rest of your life not being able to record a tv show, and watch it 1, 2, or 3 years later.

Welcome to the rest of your life where you *have* to install software that spies on your hard drive so you won’t download mp3s. Or at the very least a specific port where some cop can come knocking at any time, and search the contents of your hard drive.

If you think I’m kidding … just wait and see. With the powers that be money/power is all that matters. Soon you won’t be able to do a lot of things.

As soon as this goes, EVERYTHING you listen to will be logged, and you will be forced to pay the RIAA even if you’re not *really* listening. Think I’m kidding. Jukebox owners are forced to pay royalties. Radio stations have to pay royalties. Soon you on your own computer will be forced to pay a royalty. ON TOP OF BUYING THE CD/MP3!

Am I paranoid? Nope. I will never EVER buy a cd or an mp3 or whatever DRM crap from the RIAA AGAIN! I’m downloading all my music from artists like me who appreciate you giving their song a space on their hard drive. Where it’s an honor, not a crime to have music.

What if you own the CDs? It’s like you can’t even copy the music you own to your computer without violating the DMCA.


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