Oct 05 2005

I still like my VCR more than my DVD+R

Category: Insanityerm @ 2:41 am

I so got sucked into ‘new and improved.’

Recently I bought a brand new ilo DVDR05MU.

I don’t like it 1 bit. Why?

#1. It’s so smart it’s stupid.
Unlike VCR tapes a blank tape is a blank tape. It doesn’t matter if there is 10 min left or 8x60min left on your tape it will record until the very end.

You’re DVD-R it knows how much space you have left down to the second, and won’t record unless there is enough space. This could be a good thing, this could be a a bad thing. Depending on your point of view. So you will almost never use a complete DVD-R (on timer record)

#2. My VCR has 8 timers you can set, the DVD-R has 8 timers you can set.
Now this kind annoys me. Due to the fact that it does not take more than a 1K of memory to set this stupid stuff. – if it was programed right – I expect a new device like this (compared to my 7 yr old vcr) to have more memory to store timers.

#3. 8hrs on DVD != 8hr VHS
You can record so your DVD can store 8 hours. Very poor quality. You have to run the 6 hour one just to get some decent quality. 8 hours is such poor quality it’s a waste.

#4. It has to finalize/update between shows.
Say for instance you have a show you want to record at 7:00am every day, and it ends at 7:30am, and then start another show on a different channel at 7:30am to 8:00am. On a VCR this is a very easy feat to accomplish. At most you set the first one for 7:29am, and you’re good to go.
This dang thing sucks so much in this respect. First I start a recording at 7:00am run it till 7:29am figuring that would be ok. Nope it’s one of those it’s so smart its stupid things. A dialog box comes up, and says to insert recordable medium at 7:28am. So you can not record back to back shows with this thing. I’ve even tried recording to 7:00am to 7:28am in hopes that it would finalize and be ready for the next show by 7:30am

Alas it sucks. I think I’m going to return this thing.

For the record I updated the firmware, and it seems to be functioning a little closer to what you would think a DVD+R should be. The firmware update seems to fix my biggest gripe, and that’s the unit not recording back to back shows. I did a few tests record 1 minute, change the channel record 5 minutes to see if it was smart enough with the new firmare. Apparently it is.

We’ll find out later in the real world test of today’s recording schedule.

One Response to “I still like my VCR more than my DVD+R”

  1. blog.the-erm.com » Blog Archive » A few weeks later and more on the ilo dvdr05 MU says:

    […] I still like my VCR more than my DVD+R While I’ve upgraded the firmware twice on this thing, I have not received the dependability I get from a 5 year old vcr. […]

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