In a previous post I wrote a bandwidth monitory in php. It was running about 300k (on my laptop it was < 100k), and figured it was time to test out my python foo.
This version also displays a line similar to this at the top of your terminal window:
eth0:RX:600b TX:944b Av:77b eth2:RX:0b TX:0b Av:0b
Usage is simple:
$ ./ & htop
#!/usr/bin/env python import time, re, copy, sys ESC = chr(27) # def sizeof_fmt(num): num = int(num) # sizeof_fmt stolen from: # for x in ['b','k','m','g','t']: if num < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s" % (num, x) num /= 1024.0 prog = re.compile("([a-z0-9]+)\:\s+([0-9]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)\s+([\d]+)",re.M + re.S) numeric = re.compile("^[0-9]+$") key_map = { 1: 'RX', 9: 'TX' } last_data = {} readout = {} associated = {} history = {} while True: fp = open('/proc/net/dev','r') data = fp.close() matches = prog.findall(data) for m in matches: # print m interface = m[0] associated[interface] = {} for k,v in key_map.iteritems(): associated[interface][v] = int(m[k]) for iface, dta in associated.iteritems(): if not history.has_key(iface): history[iface] = [] if last_data.has_key(iface): for k, v in dta.iteritems(): diff = v - last_data[iface][k] if not readout.has_key(iface): readout[iface] = {} readout[iface][k] = diff history[iface].append(diff) history[iface] = history[iface][-20:] total = sum(history[iface]) readout[iface]["Av"] = total / (len(history[iface]) / 2); sys.stdout.write(ESC+"[s") sys.stdout.write(ESC+"[0;0H") sys.stdout.write(ESC+"[K") for iface in sorted(readout.iterkeys()): if iface in("lo",'wlan0'): continue dta = readout[iface] sys.stdout.write(iface+" ") for k, v in dta.iteritems(): sys.stdout.write("%-11s" % ("%s:%s" % (k,sizeof_fmt(v)),)) sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write(ESC+"[u") sys.stdout.flush() last_data = copy.deepcopy(associated) time.sleep(1)