kmartvz5.jpg (JPEG Image, 784×1014 pixels)
You have got to read this it’s funny.
Aug 18 2006
kmartvz5.jpg (JPEG Image, 784×1014 pixels)
You have got to read this it’s funny.
Jul 27 2006
Why do idiots write pages like this?
Why do does your precious site need to open up into another window? Why can’t it just open into the window you’re in. Why are you wasteing my time?
Take it from me, you can write a really nice site, and screw it up with popups. There’s no reason for a popup to exist on that site. There’s no reason that you need to hide your address bar, and open up a new window. Your content is not that precious.
It’s not the end of the world for people to know your url. You’re an idiot.
Jul 25 2006
Too many times in my life I’ve heard you use only 10% of your brain.
I’ve always wondered how many people think they use more than 10%.
This article explains why it’s impossible for you to use only 10% of your brain, in fact you’re using 100%. There is no spare tire when it comes to your brain 🙂
Jul 04 2006
Since the last 2 articles have been about death I figured I would thow in a list from a government agency.